Chemical Reagents
Silver sulfate COA Report
  • CAS No.:10294-26-5
  • Molecular weight:311.79
  • Aliases:Silver sulfate
  • Molecular formula:Ag2SO4
  • UN Code:1830
  • EC No.:233-653-7
  • HS-No:28432900
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.09124.010 Silver sulfate AR100g
1.09124.020 Silver sulfate AR1kg
1.09124.030 Silver sulfate AR25g
Characteristic: Appearance and properties:colorless or white crystalline powder
pH value:~5-6
Relative density(water=1):5.45
Melting point(℃):652(lit.)
Boiling point(℃):1085
Saturated vapor pressure:Soluble in nitric acid, ammonia and concentrated
sulfuric acid and water, insoluble in ethanol.
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